Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design-DSD is a groundbreaking innovation in Contemporary Dental Aesthetics. Apart from being a precise method to aesthetically analyze dentitions, It too optimizes the designing of new harmonious smiles. To achieve these tasks, DSD utilizes state-of-the-art technology. It involves digital analysis of face and the smile in a series of static and dynamic postures thereby unvealing specific personal characteristics. It is a fully customized procedure At Dental Aesthetics, we use DSD technology to aesthetically analyze dentitions and to optimize final restorations.

To both accomplish optimal shape and to ideally 3-D position the intended restorations, the golden ratio Phi-π is introduced as base algorithm. In an aesthetic approach,Golden Ratio defines the optimal proportions among segments of face and the smile. Most noteworthly, the human face abounds with examples of the Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. Macro-photos (closeups) and portraits are taken with DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. Digital templates of dentitions are super-imposed on the photos and modified accordingly to blend with the face. As navigated by DSD, new trial-smile is then faithfully replicated onto teeth with a composite prototype (mock up). Modifications may be applied both to accomodate ideal scheme of occlusion and to personalize the smile blueprint. Next phases comprise CAD/CAM fabrication of the temporaries and the definitive restorations respectively.

Digital navigation secures optimal smile and function. Apart from achieving premium dental aesthetics Digital Smile Design has multiple benefits Non-invasivesness _ Real-time physical visualization. Patient can see how their new ”smile” blends with their face from the very beginning DSD uses digital-to-analogue calibration tools, thereby elaborating the molding of the mock-up (try-in) in real dimensions Precission _ Even as a stand-alone method, DSD hardly need confirmation Minimal invasiveness_ Tooth preparations are extremely minimal or even unnecessary Cost-effectiveness_ Treatment planning is accurate, thus eliminating extra costs and fees Digital Smile Design provides important aesthetic and functional information. Moreover, DSD helps produce precision indexes for beautiful bonded snap-on smile, Bonded Functional Esthetic Prototypes and transitional restorations In patients with missing teeth DSD is too employed. Digital sets of teeth are over-imposed onto multiple series of photos and are tried-in in-mouth with CAD/CAM indexes. These navigational guides are consequently used to secure ideal implant position. DSD finally guides the optimal sequence both of treatments and of the expertise to be involved.

Temporization is mostly significant stage of prosthetic reconstruction. Precisely replicating BFEPs (mockup), transitional restorations visualize new smiles and confirm the shape, function and occlusion of the new dentition. The DSD too helps fabricate superb transitional restorations (see: Transitional restorations). Following the BFEPs, transitional restorations are considered the last phase of prosthetic trial sequence. At the end, final ceramic restorations precisely replicate the temporary restorations. Maintainance of oral health, optimization of occlusion and smile aesthetics ensure successful Aesthetic Analysis and Digital Smile Design.